import { Component, Input, OnDestroy, } from '@angular/core'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs' import { LocaleService, SettingsService, LocaleSubject, MediaQueryService, MediaQuerySettingType, MediaQuerySetting } from "../../../web"; // requires to be in a mat-menu @Component({ selector: 'cory-mat-theme-button', template: ` `, }) export class ThemeButton implements OnDestroy { subscriptions$: Array = [] @Input('cory-tooltip-position') matTooltipPosition: string = "left"; @Input('color') color: string = 'default'; i18n: any; settings: any; tooltip: string; currentWidthAlias: string; constructor( protected locale: LocaleService, protected settingsAll: SettingsService, private mediaQuery: MediaQueryService ) { this.settings =; this.subscriptions$.push( this.locale.subscribe((data: LocaleSubject) => { this.i18n =; this.setTooltip(); }) ) this.subscriptions$.push( this.mediaQuery.subscribe((settings: MediaQuerySetting[]) => { settings.forEach((setting) => this.setTooltip( }) ) } private setTooltip(alias?: string) { if (alias !== undefined) { this.currentWidthAlias = alias; } switch (this.currentWidthAlias) { case 'small': this.tooltip =; break; case 'large': this.tooltip = undefined; break; } } ngOnDestroy(): void { this.subscriptions$.forEach(subs$ => subs$.unsubscribe()) } }