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# ng2-compile-html
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Angular 2 Service/Attribute to compile an HTML into a component
It is only using ```TypeScript``` right now. It can be built though.
npm install p3x-ng2-compile-html
##Test ```bash git clone cd ng2-compile-html npm install grunt run ``` [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080)
Check out the example, here [test/angular2/app/Page.ts](test/angular2/app/Page.ts).
<div #container></div> <div [p3xCompileHtml]="data2" [p3xCompileHtmlRef]="ref"></div>
```typescript import {
Component, Injectable, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import {CompileHtmlService } from '../../../src'; @Component({ selector: 'p3x-ng2-compile-html-text', template: ` <div #container></div> <hr/> <div [p3xCompileHtml]="data2" [p3xCompileHtmlRef]="ref"></div> `, }) @Injectable() export class Page implements OnInit { @ViewChild('container', {read: ViewContainerRef}) container: ViewContainerRef; data1: string; data2: string; ref: Page; counter1 : number = 0; counter2 : number = 0; constructor( private compileHtmlService: CompileHtmlService ) { this.ref = this; } private update1() { this.counter1++; this.data1 = ` <div>Service</div><a href="javascript:void(0);" (click)="ref.update1()">Click me via a service!</a> <div>${this.counter1}</div> `; this.compileHtmlService.compile({ template: this.data1, container: this.container, ref: this, }) } private update2() { this.counter2++; this.data2 = ` <div>Attribute</div><a href="javascript:void(0);" (click)="ref.update2()">Click me via a service!</a> <div>${this.counter2}</div> `; } ngOnInit() { this.update1(); this.update2(); } }
by [Patrik Laszlo](