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import { Component, Inject, OnDestroy, } from '@angular/core'; import { LocaleService, SettingsService, LocaleSubject } from "../../../web"; import { ThemeService } from '../../services/theme'; import { NotifyService } from '../../services/notify/notify'; import {template} from 'lodash'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs' // requires to be in a mat-menu @Component({ selector: 'cory-mat-theme-menu', template: ` <button mat-menu-item disabled> {{ i18n.title.theme }} </button> <div class="cory-mat-menu-divider"></div> <button mat-menu-item *ngFor="let thisTheme of themeLight" (click)="this.clickChangeTheme(thisTheme)" [class.cory-mat-menu-item-active]="thisTheme == theme.current" > {{ i18n.themes.material[thisTheme] }} </button> <div class="cory-mat-menu-divider"></div> <button mat-menu-item *ngFor="let thisTheme of themeDark" (click)="this.clickChangeTheme(thisTheme)" [class.cory-mat-menu-item-active]="thisTheme == theme.current" > {{ i18n.themes.material[thisTheme] }} </button> `, }) export class ThemeMenu implements OnDestroy { subscriptions$: Array<Subscription> = [] i18n: any; settings: any; constructor( private notify: NotifyService, public theme: ThemeService, public locale: LocaleService, protected settingsAll: SettingsService ) { this.settings =; this.subscriptions$.push( this.locale.subscribe((data: LocaleSubject) => { this.i18n =; }) ) } public clickChangeTheme(theme: string) { try { const oldTheme = this.theme.current; this.theme.setTheme(theme) const parameters = ({ old: this.i18n.themes.material[oldTheme], 'current': this.i18n.themes.material[theme] }); const templateFactory = template(this.i18n.message.theme.changed);; } catch (e) { this.notify.error(e); } } public get themeLight() { return this.settings.themes.material.filter((theme: string) => { return theme.startsWith('cory-mat-theme-light') }) } public get themeDark() { return this.settings.themes.material.filter((theme: string) => { return theme.startsWith('cory-mat-theme-dark') }) } ngOnDestroy(): void { this.subscriptions$.forEach(subs$ => subs$.unsubscribe()) } }