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import { Directive, Input, Injectable, ViewContainerRef, OnInit, OnChanges, SimpleChanges, Type, ModuleWithProviders, } from '@angular/core'; import { CompileService } from './CompileService'; @Directive({ selector: '[p3x-compile]' }) @Injectable() export class CompileAttribute implements OnInit, OnChanges{ @Input('p3x-compile') html: string; @Input('p3x-compile-ctx') context: any; @Input('p3x-compile-imports') imports: Array<Type<any> | ModuleWithProviders | any[]>; async update() { if (this.html === undefined || this.html.trim() === '') { this.container.clear(); return; } await this.service.compile({ template: this.html, container: this.container, context: this.context, imports: this.imports }) } ngOnInit() { this.update(); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { //fixme only update with the required changes this.update(); } constructor( private container: ViewContainerRef, private service: CompileService ) {} }